Oh no, I'm famous, again!

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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:25 pm

Yup, you made it. Look at what I'm dealing with here - People are coming in droves. Still going through all the zillion emails to see who else we let in. I'm trying to wait for times of not much activity...there are hacks for PHPBB that only work if someone/anyone is logged in as admin....This is too good to screw up.
Web page stats.

6 times as many hits in two days as we normally get in a month?
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Sat Mar 08, 2014 8:47 pm

Well, I've managed to narrow down the thousands of requests to about another 48 new members, hope they won't swamp us with BS, but they managed to seem like they might have something to say.
About another hundred I replied to with "convince me you have something good to post" - we'll see, at least it puts a little time on my side.
About another thousand I sent a canned message to, recommending they go bother fusor.net or try harder to convince me they are worth the time. The rest turned out to be fan mail, or totally irrelevant (thousands) or complete whack jobs, so they got deleted. And now, at 8:45 pm, I can finish my breakfast. Gheez.

Next chance I get, I'll start adding those 48, a few at a time. And maybe others if they make a compelling case - we'll see. There apparently are a crap-ton of people who want free tutoring online, and I don't think we want to do endless Q&A for beginners here, it masks the really useful content (or it seems to on fusor.net - let them have that, IMO).
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby solar_dave » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:19 am

It even was found and made it on the gm-volt forum.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Sun Mar 09, 2014 3:58 pm

I wanted them to feature the Volt more, but they are journos with their own audience and agenda. Sigh, at least they didn't tell outright lies, other than overemphasising the gun stuff - because where they are from, guns are "magic and forbidden" and till then, they had no clue about the "fun and useful in the correct hands" part of the issue. So I guess that was a score too - just not the one I was after. Perhaps I should send the NRA a link!
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby solar_dave » Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:21 pm

The NRA would probably love it.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Elliot Buckley » Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:45 am

Thanks for letting me in as well Doug, and sorry it took me so long just to get around to writing the intro, I've been insanely busy this last fortnight. Hopefully I prove a bit brighter than your average grade-schooler, even if I'm not quite postgrad yet!
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Tue Mar 11, 2014 1:03 pm

John speaks highly of you, Elliot, so I'm looking forward to discussing this and that with you. Hey, doing all that stuff on a student budget is how you learn to handle money, and if you get rich, stay that way. I speak from experience there.

On another note, would anyone in their right mind sign this "contract" I've been offered? Looks to me like they think the "talent" hasn't been around, or only around their mother.
They only promise to *try* to get me a job, but if they do - even if the job is crap and pays 10c, they own me for 6 years, unlimited? Yah, rushing to sign that and get it notarized, you betcha </sarcasm>
Doug Coulter - Talent Agreement.pdf
Anyone dumb enough to fall for this...or maybe that's why a lot of the real talent dies broke.
(107.46 KiB) Downloaded 564 times

Now, you never know what they'll come back with when I tell them "nice try, but no cigar, I'm not stupid". It's common in this game to ask for the world, but be willing to take a little slice, "no harm in asking" - other than the implied insult. Just thought it might be informative to others who haven't been approached by media to see what games they play. It's usually pretty obvious if you have reading comprehension skills. My R&R band turned down a contract with Warner Bros for similar reasons.
The fact that we'd released our own albums, and were selling them briskly had no effect on their stance "we're taking all the risk here and deserve most of the money". They insisted we borrow a crapton of money from them to re-record it all, giving said money to their wholly owned studios (which frankly, weren't as good as ours). Basically the only money we'd have gotten via this is through touring, which we were doing already and keeping ALL the money from. So we didn't sign that one either, paid off two mortgages self-publishing, and advertising our music via releasing low quality MP3's free - with an ask to send us money for the full fidelity version on CD, and simply getting local music stores (My partner, John Bain, in music crime, did most of that footwork) to carry them.

Now, Vice/Motherboard didn't pay me, but they are talking about it going forward, and "anything I want to do, they'll buy". Those guys, I can deal with - they seem pretty honest and the ones I met are nice on top.

Geez, these guys think that because they noticed you (because someone else did first) they're worth getting to skim of your life's work and into the future? Dream on buddy - earn it.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:15 pm

Just registered about 10 more new people - it's hard to do fast even with cut/paste. Only 42 to go. Mods pay attention, just in case I let a baddie slip past me.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby chrismb » Thu Mar 13, 2014 6:58 pm

"Douglas Coulter, Talent".

Ah! If only someone were to end my name with the word 'talent', I would be happily flattered! :D Instead there is only a string of boring professional letters which has only served to lead me into being persuaded to sign up for equally exploitative industrial roles! ;)
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Re: Oh no, I'm famous, again!

Postby Doug Coulter » Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:23 pm

Chris, the amount of sheer, outrageous flattery I've received in the last few is so off the charts I'm not sure how to take it. I'll just presume they don't know any better, I guess. Or I could put on my cynic hat, as above, and have that make me question "OK, people use flattery to get under your guard, what's in it for this guy?". Or it could simply be mostly people trying to be nice. I'm comfortable in my own (real) skin, so plan A is just to wait a bit and hope things get back closer to normal soon. There's some really neat experiments waiting for me to just do them that I've had to walk past these last two weeks - that burns me inside - this is all a crazy distraction for what I *want* to be doing. If I can leverage this "fame" into a lab assistant or something that makes the work go better or faster, well, it's a gain, else it's merely a distraction. Oh, I forgot the other one - people love to live vicariously through someone else who does things they lack the discipline for, the knowledge for, the willingness to put in effort towards or take the risks involved.

I experienced that before, as a "rock star". The thing is, if you let that type drive you, you wind up dead, and they just move on to the next "hero".

I am hoping that this will help with my own quest a little - I want the best guys on earth right here, on this forum. This has cast a very wide net, maybe we'll catch a few more.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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