Howdy from the Southwest USA

Post here once you join, and tell us about yourself so we have a clue who we are talking to.
Keep threads short here -- once you have something to say, there's a topic here somplace where it will fit -- and if not, let me know and I will make subforums as necessary. We want all of hard science and tech up here, and if something doesn't fit -- that's my fault and I will fix that for you. See the rules and tips in the parent forum, please.
Forum rules
This sub forum is for new menbers to announce themselves. Try not to create long threads here -- this is just for you to tell us who you are, and for us to say welcome. There are other forums to actually discuss real tech-science things here, and ask questions on. The idea hopefully is to have enough forums and subforums that nothing sci-tech related will be off-topic, there will be a place for it. If I missed something -- let me know, and I'll fix that.

Howdy from the Southwest USA

Postby solar_dave » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:03 pm

Hello from Phoenix AZ.

Interested in alt energy, Chevy Volts and interesting technology.
Dave Shiels

My TED 5000 power monitoring
Posts: 108
Joined: Tue Aug 21, 2012 12:33 pm
Location: Phoenix, AZ

Re: Howdy from the Southwest USA

Postby Doug Coulter » Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:25 pm

Hi Dave, and welcome!
For the rest of you, Dave and I met over on, where Volt fans (which is pretty much everyone who owns one) talk about Volts and alt energy.
Dave has a big grid-tie solar system he uses to power his car and home, which is a horse of a different color than what I'm doing, but very cool just the same - particularly where he lives - he gets a couple more hours of good sun a day than I do here. And he has a non-rapist power company that pays him a fair price for his spare kWh, unlike mine. Anybody doing this should consult with their power company early in the game to decide which route you want to go.

We have a subforum here for alt energy and I've been also putting volt stuff in there, perhaps it could use a little more organization so we can find things better, and have some FAQs for people who want to learn what Dave or I are doing. I can say that once a system is up, it's pretty maintenance free and you don't think about it as much anymore. That's probably why I haven't written a lot more about it yet! For me, it pretty much "just works". That's not to say I didn't make a few mistakes getting there and shouldn't tell people about them so they can save some money and hassle via avoiding those mistakes.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Doug Coulter
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Location: Floyd county, VA, USA

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