Turbo pumps

How to get to vacuum, what the classes are, and what is needed for what job.

Turbo pumps

Postby Doug Coulter » Wed Aug 11, 2010 5:53 pm

In my mind, there are only a couple of things wrong with turbo pumps. One is, not everyone has one already, and they are not so cheap. The other is that you really don't want to crash one or put some things through some pumps. Otherwise, they are perfect! No oil contamination of your system, really low base system pressures, fast on, fast off, low power drain....a pretty good list.

Well, a lot of them. There has been an evolution of this comparatively new way to pump over time, and of course, a lot of what is available inexpensively on the surplus market isn't all that great. At first, turbo pumps were thought of mainly as a diffusion pump replacement, without the oil, pretty much a plug in replacement. This means most early turbos need a very good backing pump, capable of pretty low foreline pressures to do much. And those are what are mostly around, often separated from their controllers or cables, both of which tend to be pretty pricey if you go back to the manufacturer for them. There being little standardization, this means you have to get the matching stuff or you've just bought useless (but pretty) junk.

Turbos don't like grit, shards, and some can't handle some chemical vapors without erosion. So for a "dirty" process, you either need a special spec turbo, or go see the diffusion pump thread here. At least if you "crud up" a diffusion pump, the repair is limited to an oil change and maybe a cleaning. A busted turbo is trash, and quite expensive to have repaired if there's damage to rotors or stators.

Older turbo pumps were just that -- a big turbine, spinning very fast that simply mechanically bashed atoms down into the pump. There's a limit to pressure that a spinning turbo can handle - at short mean free paths, the rotor tips are highly supersonic, and can actually burn up from friction with the gas, so inrush accidents are bad -- and the moan you hear with a even a tiny one will stick with you for awhile if you had to pay for one at new prices. Further, Pfeiffer warns you can twist the mounting bolts right off in such a case - there is one heck of a lot of stored rotational energy in one of these going full speed.

Newer pumps are called turbo-drag. These have a second drag stage that doesn't have rotor blades as such, it works more like an auger with fine threads. This means it can take higher pressures at that point and increase the compression ratio of the overall pump. The nice thing about this is now you don't need such a great forepump, which saves both money and electrical power. I have one small system that uses a diaphragm pump similar to what you might find at an aquarium shop as the forepump -- and it works great as a system.

Your checklist when buying a turbo should go like this, more or less.
  1. Is it complete? What would buying any missing controllers or cables cost you?
  2. Is it a turbo-drag, or a simple turbo?
  3. What's the bearing style? Are you getting a maglev, or one you'll have to be changing bearings and lube on?
  4. Will it run in the orientation I need? Some pumps don't care, some do.

That should get you started. The issues with surplus seem to be that either something is missing, and if it's hard for the average joe to test -- it won't be tested until
it's too late and it's yours now. After all, Joe probably got it from Bob, who knew it was bad, but knew Joe couldn't test it, and never said anything about it to him.
So Joe didn't rip you off on purpose, maybe, even though it happened.

Really good things aren't getting into the surplus supply chain as often these days, so it's a definate caveat emptor, and if someone is
guaranteeing it to work, that's worth a price premium for sure.

Most turbo systems will get to a good enough vacuum for most home experimenters with no other tricks needed, other than the usual "make it not leak" and "be able to bake it out" -- the rest of the system, that is. In a CF flanged (metal gasket) system, you should expect to go at least to e-8 millibar, probably a good bit lower. Add a little viton, or a lot of surface area, and you might find yourself stuck around e-8 mbar -- still very very good. In fact (maybe someone here will correct me) unless you are studying pure surface phenomenon, or running things that need a super long mean free path (long beams or ion traps that hold ions for days on end) it's good enough, you're done. For example, even the old cyclotrons rarely beat e-6 millbar, and this is so much better you can have that and be assured of very low (<1%) content of anything in the tank you didn't put in there on purpose.

I feel pretty well set up on vacuum pump systems here. I have two Pfeiffer systems I bought new, used for different things, one running diff pump system, and parts for a better diff pump system should I want to put that together. I will say this -- once you get a turbo, you never ever look back. The diff pump systems are in storage.

One Pfeiffer system is the tiny guy -- 60 l/s, spins at 933 RPS, diaphragm backing pump, their controller and display. I use that in a fairly large viton sealed system, it's lucky to break e-6 on the downside due to all the surface area and gaskets, but it gets there quick. I use it for trying things quick without breaking vacuum on the big guy, for making glow discharge tubes off a tubing coupler that system has, evaporation, sputtering, and general playing around. For example, since it's so small and uses so little power, I will let it pull vacuum on my small deuterium tanks for long periods before I refill them from the master tank to keep my deuterium pure as can be. By getting the reception tank and the transfer plumbing really outgassed, I get better results re purity of the result -- and I don't have to run my bulk deuterium tank on my main rig. That's a safety issue -- if there's a mistake, only the little tank is lost, and I don't put much in there, so things like explosion concerns are much less.

The big system is a 520 l/s turbo with a two stage Xtra dry backing pump. This is what I mainly use, and it really gets the hours of operation because I leave my tank at vacuum between uses unless I'm about to crack it to change something in there. This saves on time and eliminates most questions of purity, and this easily gets the very big tank down to the border between e-8 mbar and e-9 with only very minimal baking. There's some viton in there -- a 6" hinged door, and (right now) 4 viton-sealed tubing couplers for HV feedthroughs and other uses. I can get it lower with other things, like evaporating or sputtering some Ti in there, but I rarely bother, as good enough is good enough.

I run both of these in a nifty mode. Since I am off the grid and on solar power, I care about power usage a lot more than most would. Pfeiffer controllers will let you program an output that will go "true" when the turbo draws more to spin than some power you can adjust. Hook this up to a SS relay, and run the forepump off of that. This means that the forepump rarely runs when in a static "holding" mode. Since both of my forepumps are oil free they are higher maintenance than a good old oily backing pump, so lifetime on them is a good thing to increase as well.

Both backing pumps are two stage affairs. And both have an air bleed between the stages to limit the buildup of condensed water vapor. I almost always just leave those open. I didn't know what they were for until I ran into some problems on the little system (the one that gets opened a lot), and called Pfeiffer and described the funny noise the backing pump was making, and the loss of good pumping. My rep had a good laugh and told me to find the little valve and open it -- problem gone, then and forever. Leaving that open doesn't seem to affect how often they have to run, or attainable vacuum much at all, so I just leave them open now. At some point in a pumpdown, there's really not much in the tank but water clinging to the walls. As this gets compressed to near atmospheric pressure, it goes liquid again, and in a positive displacement pump that's poison, no matter the type. (I suppose one of us should add this tip to the mechanical forepump thread if it's not there already?).

All turbo pumps should probably have a nice screen over the intake. The idea of dropping a bb sized chunk of something (things do sometimes shatter in my tanks) is pretty scary - total loss of the pump. Mine all do, and in the case of the little one, something would have to navigate some turns in the plumbing to find its way in there as well. Not a bad plan.

I'd guess the best word is this: If you can get a turbo-drag pump, do it, you'll be happy. You will be able to try more things in a session, due to the speed of pumping, going both ways -- you can get up to STP quick (most have a vent behind the main turbo section to do this safely) and back down quick.

I am NOT saying you have to have one. I have actually done comparative tests on plasma kinds of things (fusors, sputttering, evaporation) that say that a diff pump, properly operated, will do fine -- no essential difference in results. But my diff pumps are in storage for a reason - they are just more trouble.

Some situations you might worry about the little bit of vibration an older turbo might have. In my case, there is enough even with a new one on the big system to cause some slight concern, so I mounted it on a bellows below the tank, problem gone. I did have to add some springs across the bellows to keep them from collapsing too much and moving the pump around, no big deal.

(note to self, add pictures to this)
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Doug Coulter
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby Jerry » Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:55 pm

One reason there isnt a huge amount of these things on the used market is when they fail they fail catastrophically. I was talking to a friend who does maintenance at Intel and he has seen 18" turbo pumps literally ripped off the machines when they freeze up. When this happens there is nothing left! Even though the large ones run much slower than the little TPU-071's at 90,000 RPM, they still have a lot of mass in motion and that energy has got to go somewhere!

Second issue a lot of these pumps are used in the semiconductor industry and there is some seriously nasty stuff used to make the stuff we play with.

One place to look for little turbos is small mass spectrometers. I have seen a few on ebay with small leybold turbos and controllers. For as little as $300. I almost went after one but the shipping would have been almost as much.
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby johnf » Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:59 am

I disagree with the semiconductor used pumps being full of nasties.
If a process uses one of the nasties WF6, SiH4, BH4 or whatever you will find that the pump has a third pipe connector labelled purge. This is very low down the rotor stack and N2 is injected here to sweep the nasties out to the backing pump which probably uses Fromblin oil.
We have bought many of these units secondhand off ebay at work with none showing any sign of buildup of anything. So far with 20-30 turbos we are well ahead ie about 20 are working beaut, the others have in the most part bearing problems although one, someone had removed the motor windings but I swapped its outer case (a CF top) onto a good iso topped one in this case a Leybold tmp150C The (c) stands for chemical rated.

However turbo controllers are another story our hit rate on these is only around 15% thats why I developed a universal Turbo controller it caters for units from 50 -360 litres /sec and will probably do up to 1000L/s if i fiddle with the DC bus values.

And yes I have seen a picture of a 360L/S unit that did not have a splint filter that a 6mm nut fell into while at full speed, the unit was on a 6"CF type flange. It broke all the bolts holding the flanges together and proceeded to bash dent, smash half a research lab to bits.
Two people were present at the time and they had nightmares for months afterwards
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby fusordoug » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:30 am

As far as nasties go, I have what is perhaps a rather novel approach in this case. (My lawyer would be having kittens :roll: ) If they are stuck on to the thing -- well, they probably aren't getting into me, they are stuck on the thing. If they come off easy, they come off easy -- and get gone quick. There is a potentially nasty middle ground. Use judgment. With reasonable precautions it seems you are OK with all but the very most vicious things -- say radioactives that are also poison. Mere poisons seem to resolve quickly. This is of course if you don't have to get too up close and personal with "whatever", and as in my case, work with a system that puts the exhausts outdoors. If the thing is poisoned and you have to take it apart to fix, yes, that implies that caution and general careful anti-contamination measures are taken - you are putting your fingers and face right in it, leaving any crud around the shop and so on -- best be real careful.

I'd love to hear more about homebrew turbo controllers. Are we talking about basic drives for a variable speed N phase brushless motor here? I note the main difference between my two turbos (big and small from the same outfit) is mainly the bulk power supply voltages fed to the on-pump driver -- 24v for the little guy, 72 for the big one. Mine don't even get too warm -- do you have some insight on how the ones that fry got that way? Pfeiffer seems to be monitoring power input anyway, maybe that's really a circuit safety device that has the side effect of producing that other cool feature I like -- switching the forepump.

FWIW Pfeiffer adds the C to the PN for chemical/corrosive rated pumps too -- if you check the Lesker catalog, the specs (compression ratio) are slightly less. I didn't get that model, but I now know it would have worked fine for my apps and I guess I'd feel a bit more free about what flows through my system. I'd tend to be cautious anyway, as I find that care in what you put in a system has a lot to do with how easy it is to get to a good base pressure again, and resulting process purity for what ever is next on that system.

I do take fairly extreme care not to let things get into running turbos. The one that can be "gravity fed" has a tube sheath and two screens. The other has a screen, and what amounts to a labyrinth in the plumbing to it (90 deg turns through valves etc).

I very much second Jerry's thought that a great place to find "right sized" pumps (and other cool parts) of any kind is portable mass specs or leak detectors, we've scored big on that one here.

Oops, didn't mean to post this as "owner" I was logged in as such to turn on a new account. Welcome Dustin!
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby Jerry » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:52 pm

The chemical rating just means the lubricants and seals are rated for corrosive atmospheres. Like you said, Fomblin instead of hydrocarbon oil, silicone, or teflon o-ring instead of Viton. Otherwise the construction is mostly the same. I had a couple older Alcatel pumps that were chemical rated, he manual said the lube was different and had a different part number for the syringe. Everything else was the same. Oh, and like you said, extra options for purge.

But there is a lot of contamination in semiconductor equipment. My friend runs a high tech surplus business and its something we have to watch out for. Stuff is not supposed to get out without decontamination but you can only trust that so far. A lot of the stuff comes with sheets saying what it was used with, usually the stuff that has been used with things like arsenic gets scrapped before we get close to it. All of intel's surplus ends up in Arizona where it is processed, from what I have heard in the past if they dont know where its been it goes right to scrap.

My little pump runs off of 24v as well, although the same controller is the same as the ones for the bigger pumps but you just use a different input voltage. I think max voltage was something like 142v.
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby johnf » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:17 pm

Bugger my reply dissappeared try again

turbo drive electronics looks like this attached PDF

board layout should be like this around the gate driver chip keeping gate signals away from the large circulating currents on the output phases

All should be self explanatory
circuit gets filtered PWM 0-5 volts to 4046 VCO to set frequency into ring counter to produce 3 phase and three antiphase signals for the gate driver chip the buffered feedback freq to the uP = 6x motor drive freq.
the gate driver chip is power on reset hence the optomos on the VCC input to clear a fault condition
component values around the 4046 for 70,000rpm operation.
transformer tap relay shifted by uP @ 0.5 freq.
no heatsinks required for 50L/s pumps but bigger pumps with more current require them . peak current @ start 2.5 amps At 45 volts DC Bus run current 150mA @ 103 volts DC bus
The big FET on the DC Bus is for power stop applications. For this the stop button is pushed twice which switches in the low volt Bus and the PWM 0-5 volt signal is ramped down over 1 min, the motor now turns into a generator pumping up the DC bus to the conduction point of the Zeners on the FET gate the FET is now dissapating the potential energy in the spinning rotor. This fet needs a reasonable mass of something to absorb the heat not necessarily a heatsink.
normal stop is one buttom push to uP and the PWM is ramped down over 5mins at low DC bus volts.
Turbo drive.pdf
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby Jerry » Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:45 am

Thats pretty simple. Cant see why it couldnt be modified to drive those cheap pfeiffers sitting on ebay. From the manual I found on them they are two phase motors with the coils in a Y config. (3 terminals) Single hall for RPM feedback and a temp sensor. Probably 24v.

For that you probably could get away with using a couple integrated H-bridge ICs, maybe something like the LMD18200.
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby johnf » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:20 am

I think you will find they are actually 3 phase delta connected = 3 wires
I originally designed this for Leybolds that do not use rotor position info ie no hall effect feedback
one of the pumps in the "sacrifices to the gods of high vacuum" is a Phiffffffier (is that enough f's) I'll try and spin it up on the controller it has stuffed bearings and its Phieffer controller faults out about two minutes into windup.

Rotor position is not needed if you use pulse / pulse current limiting that that chip uses, if you are not drawing excess current then the rotor will be tracking at an acceptable lag.

all this can be worked out by measuring the inductance of the motor windings over the frequency range of interest.
a Leybold TMP50 runs at about 14 watts at normal speed on my SEM its been doing that for 1.5 years 24/7 with this controller. The TMP 150 /360's need lower bus volts but lots more current so the I^2R losses are higher but at speed the 360 runs at around 38 watts input
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby Doug Coulter » Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:23 am

Nifty circuit, John. I take it you're using the current monitored in the uP to decide how fast to ramp? Eg so you don't get ahead of the motor. Very elegant, at any rate. A concerted effort might get the parts count down a little (as some uP's have more stuff in them) but I'd bet this is really robust and seems to take all the realtime requirements off of the uP making it easier to program.
Jerry, I suspect they are all 3 phase. It's just easier and better and less "coggy" a motor design.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Re: Turbo pumps

Postby Jerry » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:54 pm

Two phase is also used in some of Fischer Precise spindles. High speed, low vibration.

But it does look like I was wrong. It appears, from the manual, that the TPH055 is single phase. Two windings connected in a single point. And the TPU/H-062 is two phase with four windings connected to a single point. Incriminating evidence on pages 25, 26, 27.

If the TPH055 is single phase it might be possible to use a 1.5khz single phase source with a run capacitor between the windings. Basically a synchronous motor. The capacitor gives a phase shift to make sure it runs in the right direction.
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