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Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 3:06 pm
by Doug Coulter
Wish this guy wasn't the virtual president, but the real one. Sigh. ... bgq4i-Hxo0

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:58 am
by solar_dave
And that would be a pop goes the weasel!

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:08 am
by Doug Coulter

“The few who understand the system will either be so interested in its profits or be so dependent upon its favours that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear its burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.”

—The Rothschild brothers of London

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:49 pm
by Doug Coulter
Had to turn on the big power hungry machine to post this before somehow the spin-meisters edit it or take it down.
Shit, I'm already too late - in just the time it took to come upstairs and post this. ... ply-square

In the original (5 min ago) there was a raw clip from a guy filming the marathon - shows the entire event frame by frame - he was pointing right at the scent of the bomb.

Things I note (and yes, I'm moderately expert with explosives).
1. No supersonic blast wave at all. A lot of heave, but very little shock. Some blathering talking head on Bloomberg TV said otherwise, but he's just plain wrong.
2. Tons of white smoke, and an orange blast. This was a black powder pipe-bomb type event. No idea how they'll spin it - it's already terrorism no matter what, question is, who's going to be vilified, what new civil rights will be lost as a result - follow the money/power on this one.
3. The "second blast" was an echo, like thunder - there was no visible blast, no fast risetime (the first one picked up nicely on the original camera mic).

FYI - high explosives have an oxygen deficit. They make black, not white, smoke. Yes, there are some ways around that - for example, back in the day they'd add oxidizer and aluminum to help artillery spot their shots. But this wasn't that, quite obviously. This looks a lot more like about 1-2 lbs black powder, which I've seen up close and personal on my shooting range, and on the one owned by Roanoke Rifle and Revolver club (where I compete). Tannerite might make a bit of white smoke, but it makes no visible orange flame like this did (but black powder does). You have to add things to tannerite to get that effect, and it really doesn't work out that well. Further, the smoke from an incomplete detonation (which is the norm) of tannerite (or other ammonium nitrate explosive) is orange, not white - nitric oxide.

Note how slowly the debris flies...this was not a high-shock event, like you'd get with C4 or Semtex, or TNT or any other high explosive. Dynamite doesn't make much white smoke (unless you bury it in flour or something).

This and other events make me want to find ways to embed directly into this page (Jerry, if you're going to use Flckr - don't delete your photos, it breaks the board). They've already changed the reported evidence from raw to "processed for optimal spin" in just a few minutes! Damn, you have to be lucky and fast to get truth nowadays.

But guess what? Even though the Boston globe pulled the original, unedited video, and has a way to defeat "download helper" - turns out my browser cached it, so I was able to get a lower fidelity copy by just filming my own screen. Take that, you liars. This link is otherwise "unlisted" FWIW. We'll see how long it lasts. Be it known, I made multiple copies...for the inevitable conspiracy theorists (private or government) - or those who suppress truth for whatever reason.

It will be a test of truthiness to see how this gets spun by the media (already silly and dead-wrong junk) and more importantly, the tyrannical security apparatus that calls itself our government.

And, here it is:

No, I don't glory in this, and I really don't want to visit Gitmo. But truth is what I live by and stand for.

Here's the original at liveleak, at least for the moment:

Better quality so you can better see the big, slow, orange flash, the lack of even the flags right next to it being knocked over, the fact that only one runner even fell (hit by something flying), and the lack of broken windows that a real HE would have created.

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:02 am
by solar_dave
That was exactly my impression as well, a black powder event. It did not have the brisance of a high explosive and all the white smoke was a bit of a tip off.

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 10:30 am
by Doug Coulter
They still seem to be saying there were two blasts, except there are no pictures published of the other blast site (why not?)...and no pictures of the "other devices" they claim to have found/detonated. Aw, come on - those demo squad guys use camera robots, and it's not like the tech in any of these is a secret. The only reason I could see that is we want to avoid teaching other perps how to be ineffective, or how we deal with that stuff ourselves. They are claiming hugely larger numbers of casualties than look apparent in the original film (100+), but I suppose now you can be a casualty if you just freak out and split a nail or something.

A real terrorist (competent) uses two bombs. The first, smaller one to create the event, and the other, larger one to wipe out all the people who respond to the initial event. This pattern was established long ago in the middle east, used in various countries by various actors there, and now is standard in war - we use it with drone strikes, Israel has used it as well. That wasn't the work of pros, IMO.

And now we're grounding planes because someone with a tan who speaks a language Americans don't understand (eg anything but English) boards. Wow, we're smart (not).

Guess we'll just have to watch events and see what rolls out. I did manage to find a copy of the original video as a check on any later made up spin, and it's safely on hard drives here. Because that's OUR pattern - never let a crisis go to waste in pushing some other agenda. It's not paranoia if it's a long-established pattern, it's fact.

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:41 pm
by Joe Jarski
If you watch closely in the liveleak video link - there is another cloud of smoke rising from the second explosion. After you hear it, the camera pans down the block for a split second and you can see it before they pan back to the first.

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:59 pm
by Doug Coulter
Yes, I see that now - this is the value of crowdsourcing, as is done over at Groklaw - many eyes make all bugs obvious. So far, no pix from near that, though there is a lot of talk on zerohedge and arguing about why - or why not. According to some that second blast took off a lot of legs - but no fatalities? That doesn't add up, but that's pretty apocryphal - you have to consider the source. Interesting also is that the second boom had no high frequencies, which is a signature that either it was very far away (which ain't what is shown in the video) or that somehow it was a very low brisance explosion, even compared to black powder...a block away isn't enough to attenuate the HF compared to the LF that much, in my experience. That's something we DO have to deal with when doing PA at a big concert, FWIW, the effect and its magnitude is well known.

The board lost an earlier post of mine today...Last night and this morning I talked to a few people and got some more input.

One, a retired cameraman from CBS and PBS in TX, points out that it's always like this even when there's no ill intent. For example, in the OK city bombing, the video that gave forensic evidence to those who do demolition for a living (and which generated tons of WTF comments on profesionall building demo sites) was quickly edited out of what became a 24/7 news blast. Not because of them hiding something perhaps, but simply because the cameramen/video desk simply didn't know what they were showing, but did know it was boring to most people, so trimmed it. This cameraman tells me he was *never* told to not shoot this or that, or edit this out, by his bosses in the MSM.
On the other hand, they grounded his helicopter at Waco, and he snuck back on foot with a camera that was confiscated before they used the incendiaries on the compound. I have merely his word for this, but he's a straight shooting Texan conservative (in the old sense) type I've known for awhile.

The New Yorkers who'd moved to Boston were totally freaked - they'd been near 9/11 and had moved, as they were sure someone was out to get them, and this was powerful confirmation bias to them. But that could simply be guilty conscience - they did after all, financially-engineer the end of the world, and I'd feel damn guilty if I had done that.

So, where are the pictures that certainly exist of the second blast from close up, so I can do my own forensic examination? I'm not saying they're suppressed, just that I don't have them. For reasons that should be obvious, I'm not that interested in what the MSM pushes - or what's pushed by the political agenda types, as I know that's going to be BS from their long track record of that. With that many people and ubiquitous cell phones taking vids, there ought to be pix from every angle of everything...there are in a sporting event...usually.

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 1:20 pm
by Doug Coulter
Fertilizer plant in TX blowing - caught on video - knocked the camera out of the guy's hands. ...

Re: The daily link

PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2013 3:10 pm
by Doug Coulter
I originally wrote this to some friends in the news biz and traders.

PM's, gold in particular, were recently smashed down in (paper contract) price in a way that very much suggests either central bank or sovereign wealth funds - the only players both large enough and able to not care about immediate profits if they get a longer term goal.
This was done by dumping (perhaps naked shorts) on the market at it's least liquid time - everyone asleep, and simply overwhelming it with volume many times normal.
Corroboration here: ... kets-banks

No one selling to just raise money *ever* does this. You sell in small enough lots slowly enough to not move the price, as I explain elsewhere in my manipulation examples.

OK, it's been known for awhile that say a country's wealth fund will take a loss for gain of the country. A good example from a couple years back was China getting involved in buying enough BHP and Rio Tinto to prevent a merger that would allow the price-setting of iron ore. The fund lost big bucks (both stocks fell when the merger vote failed) - but China won bigger, you see.

Now, you and others are reporting on things like possible confiscation of bank deposits - "bail ins".

Now, normally when the price of an invest-able thing drops, people sell it. But that is not what we are seeing with gold. In fact, demand for physical metal has skyrocketed past all historical levels, many vendors are sold out...the US mint is out of some items for the year having sold more in the last week or two than most entire years.

Could this be a coordinated plan by CB's gone wrong?
Try to scare people off gold etc, before announcing they're going to steal your fiat money, so they think they have no place to go? Obviously, it didn't work...Or a lot of people are being very very dumb right now. One thing about physical gold - even if you got it with a paper trail - you can always have a "boating accident" (an old joke of gold bugs) and lose it...or of course just stash it in someplace hard to find. It seems obvious a lot of people are thinking this way at the moment, whether they are right or not.

Does anyone think that trying to remove a "Safe haven" will prevent bank runs they fear? Could that be it?

This seems like a deliberate plan....or it could be something else. London for instance allows re-hypothecation of gold (using it for collateral more than once, like fractional reserve banking but in gold). It's quasi-illegal here, but it also seems like the gold ETFs never really did have any gold - just paper contracts for gold already owned by others (more than one other as it turns out). There's a rumor that the LBMA simply ran out of real gold to back the paper contracts as people "stood for delivery", and that COMEX (the US version) is in similar straits.

Some say silly things like it's Cyprus selling their gold. Bullshit - that's one day's worth of China's normal buying.
It pays to follow the money and do the arithmetic on things like this - someone is putting out a huge spin-storm.
Cyprus is considering selling...but hasn't sold an ounce anyway.

This could also be some major unnamed institution having a liquidity crunch, and as Junckers said - when things get really serious, you have to lie. OK, I don't know what the truth is here...but something fishy is definitely going on.

The game is afoot - and I fear we won't hear the truth until after it is too late to do anything about it.