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The focus, in well, focus

PostPosted: Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:39 pm
by Doug Coulter
Dang that's a hard shot to get and this won't be the very best - it's a frame extracted from a 720p video and I can do better once I get the hang of it, but this is the first close to in focus pic from straight on of the fusor grid that I'm aware of being taken by a decent camera. Most cameras try to focus on the window, the protective screen, the back of the tank, the ion grid...anything but the real action.
Got lucky, I guess (the thing I was actually trying to do didn't work out, so I guess I get a little consolation prize). Now to learn how to take this new camera off auto and really get a good one...heck, it even got the colors right (which is also rare).
Looking into the front of the fusor at the grid focus.

Re: The focus, in well, focus

PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2019 12:18 am
by johnf
nice shot