Life, The Universe, and Everything

This is where there are basically no rules about topics, or off-topics. Discuss things here of fleeting interest.
Forum rules
Here, you can discuss anything (well, anything legal and not offensive) you want to. Use this for gassing about any half-baked theories, general getting to know one another, and other things that as someone once said, should be forgotten after awhile. This sub forum is set to auto-remove threads that haven't been posted on for a couple weeks, emptied like the office trash can. Almost anything goes here, the idea being to keep the other forums and threads more on topic but in a maximally friendly way. If anything actually worthwhile should wind up here, let me know and I will make it immune from being removed.

Re: Life, The Universe, and Everything

Postby johnf » Sat May 11, 2024 3:32 am

Yes Bill
time is marching on--and thanks for the good times when I visited
Posts: 434
Joined: Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:51 pm
Location: Wellington New Zealand


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