Greetings from Knoxville !

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Greetings from Knoxville !

Postby Alan Voliva » Thu Aug 14, 2014 4:16 pm

I am very much intrigued by the research laid out in this forum. I hope that I can contribute in some meaningful way to your success. All that are interested may check out my profile on linkedin. I am a chemical engineer, chemist, and biochemist and I am engaged in fundamental research to develop new products/technologies with real societal benefits. I thrive on short and long term projects that others view as either impossible or practically unobtainable. I can juggle multiple complex projects; making progress on each one. If testing equipment is unavailable, I build it. If precursors are unavailable, I make them. I work well with a diverse group of people.

I am :
...working to develop a single treatment for over 95% of all human disease (viral, bacterial, parasites, and fungal ) with effective treatments already demonstrated
...working to make a plastic as conductive as copper wire
...working to make a solar cell with an efficiency of 200 times the efficiency of current silicon based cells utilizing the quantum vacuum phenomenon known as resonant absorption..
...working on a living battery/flow cell that uses moving air to charge it
...working to prove that coherent fields alter spacetime and hence may be the basis for warp drive in the future
...working to identify and develop fundamental control mechanisms for spacetime/mass manipulations. Please see attached picture of levitated stir bar.
...working to directly convert high energy x-rays and gamma rays to electricity (what I refer to as the Gatlin gun free electron laser, GGFEL)
...examining the dimensional expansion of a single point sonoluminescence to sonoluminescence along the centerline of a cylinder with coherent (lasing) amplification (Sonically pumped laser).

I can manufacture many inorganic and organic precursors that one might need, I am an extraordinary brain stormer, and I don't believe in the the no win scenario. Need a pair of hands to help in your experiments? I'm always up for it.
Macroscopic Inverse Faraday Effect?
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Alan Voliva
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:56 pm

Re: Greetings from Knoxville !

Postby fusordoug » Thu Aug 14, 2014 5:41 pm

Good to have you aboard, but exceptional claims require exceptional proof, as you must know. I'm sure it will sort itself out, and yes, we share something - if someone tells me it can't be done, I'll do it.
We don't have a chemistry section even though I do inorganic chemistry - energetics in fact, but our government disapproves of spreading knowledge of that sort around, and I kind of agree in this case, too many teeny bombers and someone's gonna get hurt who doesn't deserve it, and they DEMAND that kind of thing instantly from a real chemist, as I'm sure you've already noticed. Sad but that's how it is.

It will be good to have someone better than me at organics, as I have little knowledge of it in general, just that certain things it's pretty obvious are bad to put in my body...and that protein folding due to unsatisfied Van Der Walls forces is a seriously interesting computational problem...the properties of sub-covalent bond energies and so on are fascinating. If I were just staring out as an engineer, I might be a bio-systems-chemist now, instead of the EE type, but back when I was starting out, they didn't understand biology as a system at all - they were too busy bean counting and button sorting. Even though Watson and Crick had the clue - DNA is the "paper tape" of life. Paper tape was the boot media of computers at the time...they "got it".
Why guess when you can know? Measure!
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Re: Greetings from Knoxville !

Postby Alan Voliva » Fri Aug 15, 2014 9:41 am

Yes, I agree with you that exceptional claims require exceptional evidence. There have been a variety of milestones achieved with regard to these goals I've listed, but the goals are certainly not fully perfected. As improbable as it might seem, the first goal is the one most fully realized.

Louis Pasteur had it right. In his day, he advanced the "Germ Theory of Disease" that proposed that most diseases had germs as their cause. As a "mere chemist", he was ridiculed by doctors for claiming that they needed to sterilize their surgical instruments to kill bacteria. They were nearly hysterical in their opposition to him when he claimed to be able to treat anthrax and tetanus, despite the "cured" people and animals to prove it. The medical establishment, perhaps intentionally, has dropped the ball when it comes to following up on his theory, even today.

I decided to expand upon his Germ Theory by searching the medical literature of today for evidence supporting the idea that various bacteria, viruses, etc are possible root causes of today's "incurable" diseases. After reading several hundred gigabytes of medical data, many trends emerged. One suggested that the human immune system produced an "immune bullet" capable of killing bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi, all at the same time. Another suggested cancer came from within via a well defined and knowable process (NF-kB) but was promoted by external agents. I hope to publish within a few years, the detailed data pointing not only to likely root causes of various diseases, but the treatments I've developed that have been successful at "curing" them. While my friends are convinced they are cured or otherwise have a set of medical evaluations that say they are free of their disease/cancer, I know I need pure clinical data to convince the medical establishment. A full understanding of how or why a treatment really works will only come with detailed study. I am not a doctor, so I do not prescribe treatment. I share what my research suggests would be effective and why or provide data as to what others have successfully done. As a teaser to encourage research by others, here are a few diseases and the probable root causes:

common arthritis - mycoplasmal infection of bursa cells, followed by reduced synovial fluid lubricant, then inflammation and joint damage controlled by NF-kB
systemic lupus - bacterial endotoxin causes allergic reaction mediated by NF-kB that causes abnormal blood clotting and increased insulin demand
Alzheimers - 2 bacteria mycoplasma and chlamydia cause destruction in approx 70:30 ratio.
Asthma - 2 bacteria mycoplasma and chlamydia cause destruction in approx 70:30 ratio.
Clogging of the arteries - chlamydial infection of arteries
gastric reflux - mycoplasma infection of upper stomach and esophagus
chrohns - NF-kB mediated inflammation and ulceration of the villi of the colon from various infectious causes but most commonly, H. pylori.

Here's a link to a paper detailing the role NF-kB plays in the initiation, development, and spread of cancer. ... herapy.pdf

I'll leave you with one of my quotes, "You are what you think you are! ". It is my experience that once you consciously and continuously verbalize what you want to achieve, your subconscious sets you on a course of achieving it, if it was within your grasp to achieve.
Alan Voliva
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Aug 13, 2014 2:56 pm

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