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Hi from the moderator

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 9:34 am
by ModeratorNuke
Hi guys,
I'm moderator-nuke, the bad guy here. I'm not necessarily one person -- this is the identity Doug hands to whoever is doing moderator work at the moment. If this guy warns you -- you'd better listen up, because even that won't happen without some back channel discussion by board members and consensus. This identity has full power to do whatever needs to be done here.
We intend to keep this nice and polite, while keeping the noise down insofar as possible, so that content reigns here, with unbacked up speculation taking a very distant second place. We gave that its own place(s) after all, to help keep the other threads cleaner and a better learning resource than some other places can provide, so please respect that idea.

All for now, y'all have fun, but play by the rules, or you'll see me.