armbian, restore "root terminal here" in caja and so on

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armbian, restore "root terminal here" in caja and so on

Postby Doug Coulter » Thu Sep 27, 2018 1:00 pm

I wish there was an easy way to cut and paste whole posts, as I've already done this up on another phpBB locally, one I use to make notes to self...

Armbian, with a somewhat outdated but nice tradeoff between being light and being too light mate desktop, has a few things missing...and one is pretty handy for me, which is being able to navigate in the Caja GUI (called Nautilus and other things, I dunno who keeps renaming the file manager) somewhere - easy and quick in a GUI, and then drop down to a terminal, root or otherwise, a root GUI, to do something without having to navigate all over again...and it's not all that hard to add, nor is it big byte wise. These steps, barring a couple of details (like the names changing with distro) seem pretty universal...
First install caja-actions

sudo apt install caja-actions
then make a file open-terminal-here in ~/.config/caja/scripts/
(the filename is what will show up in the GUI menu)
With this in it:
Code: Select all
exec mate-terminal

make it executable (chmod +x it or use GUI)
restart caja:
caja -q

*************************************************************** that pretty much shows how it's done...the rest is going to vary somewhat
Some distros are going to use gnome-terminal instead.
Some call it nautilus and the scripts dir is in a slighly different spot, but under your home

I did the usual few of these for various cases, here's a file with the whole scripts directory in it:
the whole /scripts directory and content
(291 Bytes) Downloaded 314 times

Untested but from a good set of directions for this:
Open ~/.config/caja/accels
(if you use vim, I use gedit)
vim ~/.config/caja/accels
add add the following line

(gtk_accel_path "<Actions>/ScriptsGroup/script_file:\\s\\s\\shome\\sUSER\\s.config\\scaja\\sscripts\\sopen-terminal-here" "F4")
where USER is your user name. This binds the script to F4, but of course you can change the shortcut as you like.
Posting as just me, not as the forum owner. Everything I say is "in my opinion" and YMMV -- which should go for everyone without saying.
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Doug Coulter
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Location: Floyd county, VA, USA

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