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BoreHole project

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:58 pm
by Doug Coulter
Been thinking about doing one for awhile now, as a useful neutron source, and just a benchmark against which to test fusors -- so far, even the pictured design (from the '50s) beats fusors in both output and Q, so why not have one around?
After meeting Mark...well, one thing led to another, and he produced the envelope I need to give this a shot.
Mark's work in quartz thick-wall tubing

The picture probably doesn't do full justice to this -- it's basically perfect.
I've been gradually collecting all the other requirements, including tubing couplers to run this off one of the vacuum systems, and big really HV power supplies and such. Now all I have to do is machine the remaining parts -- a snap (hopefully not literally when I plug in the O ring sealed ends). This might run fine on split supplies, using a floating CCFL to do the ion source, and the split supplies might be as simple as two auto spark coils driven off the same CD ignition module.